Monday, April 16, 2012

Hamlet II.i

Watch the movie below:

Then, answer the following question using the text, the movie, and your opinion--At this point, is Hamlet genuinely upset when he enters Ophelia's room at night? Or is he feigning madness by putting on an "antic disposition"?  For this respsonse, tap into your inner Hamlet because you must analyze him even though he wasn't part of the scene.


  1. Hamlet is genuinely upset when he enters her room. Ophelia is the only person Hamlet really has since his mother married Claudius, and now she isn't even answering his letters or accepting his gifts. Also, I do not think Hamlet would have been able to get such a strong reaction from Ophelia if it was just an act; she even claims his sighs were deep and sorrowful enough to destroy his body and end his being. However, Hamlet probably is going to put on the "antic disposition" his dad wanted, but I think that plan would be set forth in public instead.

  2. I think that Ophelia is overreacting a little bit. I honestly don't think that Hamlet would be doing this just for an act. I think he was actually truly upset and if Ophelia was actually paying some attention to Hamlet maybe he wouldn't be freaking out at her when he was really upset. If i was Hamlet and didn't have the one person who i thought loved me was ignoring me i'd put on somewhat of a show to make sure the other person knew i was genuinely upset with them or something else.

  3. I agree with Angie to the fact that Hamlet is honestly upset when he enters Ophelia's room. Ophelia has been the only source of normalcy for Hamlet since his father's passing and his mother's marriage. Since Ophelia ignores his letters and other acts of admiration, I believe it gives Hamlet the push to go into his madness; however, like Angie said his "antic disposition" will probably be in public. He needs to make sure the Claudius and his mother are witness to it. This proves that in Ophelia's bedroom it couldn't have been an act because he is truly lost--mad.

  4. I agree with the Angie also that Hamlet is actually upset about Ophelia not responding to all the gifts and letters that he is sending her. For many people its a hard moment when a parent or close relative passes away. For Hamlet to have his dad just pass away and also not have Ophelia by his side to comfort him I believe that Hamlet isn't putting a show on because if Ophelia is not talking to him about his problems who is? There is no one else as close as Ophelia to Hamlet. I, also agreeing with Sarah and Angie, think that Hamlet would want to make his antic disposition public so not just his friends and family know but everyone.

  5. I believe that when Hamlet went to Ophelia in the middle of the night, he was doing because he was genuinely upset. I Believe that he may have been truly frightened by his father's ghost, so he went to Ophelia to find comfort. However, sine he was still in a shocked state, he had scared Ophelia so much that she would not touch him. Hamlet must have also been quite upset that Ophelia had been ignoring him. I do no think that Hamlet was putting on an "antic disposition" because how could he have known that when Ophelia told her father, her father would want to then tell the king. I believe that Hamlet was truly upset when he entered the room, and that he was not putting on an "antic disposition".

  6. I believe that Hamlet is showing genuine emotion to Ophelia. She is the only person he has to confide in since the death of his father and he feels hurt and betrayed when she begins to ignore him. He already lost his father, he didn't want to feel like he was losing the woman he loved as well. I don't think Hamlet would display his "antic disposition" to Ophelia because he is in love with her. The way Hamlet looks at and holds Ophelia is an obvious sign that he is very much in love with her.

  7. I don't think that Hamlet was truly upset or frightened when he went to see Ophelia. I think that he knew he needed to put his plan into action and because he knows Ophelia and her family well he felt that she would be easy to convince. Ophelia also belongs to a high class family and if they spread word that Hamlet is crazy it will be easily believed. If Hamlet was honestly upset, when he visited her he would have spoken to her not just stared at her and sighed. Hamlet is so focused on his father right now that I feel his plan for revenge is likely the most important thing on his mind.

  8. I agree with everyone above me because, I too, believe that Hamlet isn't in an "antic disposition" when he approaches Ophelia because of the current status of Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia and especially since that Hamlet was in a private place with Ophelia and if he wanted to make a scene he would do so out in the open. Furthermore, Ophelia is the only woman Hamlet truly cares about, and since she is no longer speaking with him and she returned all his gifts he feels as if he's losing her, so Hamlet is in a rough position because he just spoke with his dead father who gave him a boat load of information, so you could easily imagine all the thoughts running through Hamlet's head. Not to mention Hamlet, in my opinion, isn't the most stable character because he did want to kill himself even though he has so much to look forward to, such as becoming king and being with Ophelia. So, I think that Hamlet was genuinely in this distressed state and was possibly having one more moment with Ophelia before his plan to avenge his father began.

  9. When Hamlet was walking into Ophelia's room I doubt that he was thinking that he should start his plan for revenge. Ophelia is the only constant thing he's had in his life since the death of his father. Everything else has been unstable, and has been playing with his emotions. I think that he was going to defy the ghost of Hamlet Sr. and confide in her his plan for revenge, and he was also looking for some comfort because he just spoke to his dead father and was told to kill his uncle/dad for revenge. I also believe that Hamlet is extremely hurt by how Ophelia is ignoring him while obeying her father, and this causes him to creepily walk away.

  10. I think it is the fact that Hamlet comes in the middle of the night which tells us that Hamlet is actually frightened from the ghost. Hamlet would not wander around at night to help his "antic disposition" plan. When Hamlet touches Ophelia's face he is showing actual caring for her, if he was putting his plan in to action he was not have shown caring for her and just stared at her. I truly believe Ophelia is overreacting about how freaky Hamlet was being in her room. Just like I laughed in class today, I would have laughed at Hamlet.

  11. I think that Hamlet was being genuine as appose to putting on an “antic disposition”. Hamlet is probably still upset at the fact that his father died and already his mother is remarried, that when he spoke to his father’s ghost it upset him further. I feel Shakespeare may want you to believe that this is all an act from Hamlet because of what Lord Polonius and Laertes have said about him to Ophelia. Also because Lord Polonius and Laertes have said this to Ophelia, she may have been more subjected to thinking that Hamlet isn’t being genuine. But really I think Hamlet is confiding in Ophelia because he has no one else he can trust.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I agree that Hamlet's actions and feelings were genuine when he went to go see Ophelia. His mind was disheveled and needed solace and help. As said above, Ophelia is the only person Hamlet has had constantly in his life since the death of his father, so obviously he probably felt he could seek guidance and assurance from her. However, I think Hamlets was confused, quite frankly, because the girl he truly loves isn't speaking to him and his dead father's ghost came to him and told him a bunch of stuff. I'd be pretty freaked out too. So yes, I think his feelings were genuine and that he was almost desperate when he went to go see Ophelia.

  14. I agree that he is genuinely upset that night. He cannot discuss about the ghost to anybody and his plan for revenge therefore he was just speechless when he sees Ophelia.. Also since Ophelia has been ignoring and returning his gifts to him, I think he is a little bit hurt by it, and he is storing up his all his emotions inside him and he acted the way he did to Ophelia. I agree with Lauren. He still isn't mentally stable at this point because in the previous act, we saw how he was kind of suicidal. Now he finds out that his Uncle killed his King Hamlet, and Ophelia neglects him.

  15. I think that although Hamlet is clearly upset about the ghost, he does tell the others before him that he was going to act crazy, but it would be an "antic disposition." Possibly through the use of his depressed state plus the fact that he has just come into contact with a ghost form of his father, he is channeling his shock into his "act," and knows that Ophelia will follow his every word and action because she is madly in love with him, regardless of what her father thinks. In this way, Hamlet is probably manipulating her because he knows how easy it will be to get her to come back to him and believe his every word. This "plan" per say may help lead to the killing of his uncle.

  16. I feel that Hamlet was genuinely upset and he cares for Ophelia. Hamlet is lost and he has just seen his father's ghost. He is a little confused and emotional about whats going on. I truly to believe that Hamlet cares about Ophelia, but Ophelia is not the main thing on his mind right now, understandably. He doesn't know how to treat her because he is also being hurt and betrayed by everyone around him. I think Hamlet is going to Ophelia, because he has no one else to go to and she is sort of rejecting him, which hurts him more.

  17. I think that Hamlet is actually upset when he goes into Ophelia's room. Ophelia has been the only person truly there for Hamlet since his dad died and mother remarried his unclem Claudius however, now she is not answering his letters or accepting gifts from him. Also, I do not think that Hamlet could trick Ophelia that easy and I think that she would have caught on to him acting. Although, I do believe that he is going to put on an "antic disposition" as his dad wanted him to however, I think that he would do it in public not when he is alone with Ophelia.

  18. I think Hamlet is actually upset and not putting on an act. His father just died, he just saw his ghost, and his mother and new father (his uncle) are being rude to him telling him to move on, and stop being depressed. I think Hamlet right now is lost. He seems to genuinely care for Ophelia though, and with that scene, she actually seemed worried about him. But like we saw in Titus Andronicus, Titus' madness was all an act, so with shakespeare you never know if its real, or fake madness.

  19. By the way Ophelia frantically runs into the scene, it's almost as if she's traumatized by the way she's seen Hamlet act. I also don't think Hamlet is putting on an act for Ophelia because Ophelia's reaction to his visit show's she's frenzied. If Hamlet was just trying to trick Ophelia, I think it'd be too hard to get that extreme reaction out of her. As well as what everyone else is saying, Ophelia is the only one who's really been there for Hamlet throughout his life and it'd be a huge twist if he was just tricking her. Then again..... it is shakespeare.

  20. I think that climbing into ophelia's room is all part of his plan. By acting crazy it caused ophelia to talk frantically like she did. I think Hamlet knew opheila would tell her father because he obvi knows opheila is a faithful daughter since she stopped talking to him because her father told her too. Knowing she would tell her dad i think Hamlet would play scared,crazy and disheveled to get a rise out of opheila and polonus so his plan can begin. Theres a reason for everything in Shakespeares play, and if he truly wanted guidance from opheila he would speak to her, not stare at her.

  21. Erik Helmle

    I believe that Hamlet's behavior is simply a ruse that he must maintain in order to make himself seem less suspicious to King Claudius and any other friends of the king. If he appears to have suddenly returned to normal in a single night Claudius may become suspicious and kill him if he believes that Hamlet has discovered his treachery. Hamlet must continue to act this way in order to remain safe from Claudius' wrath.

  22. I think Hamlets truly upset. He's just seen his dead fathers ghost, it must have been hard for him. Hamlet went to Ophelia because he felt he could go to her for support. There is also a chance he could be using Ophelia to tell everyone he's mad but i feel that Hamlet honestly cares for Ophelia and wouldn't jeopardize their relationship.

  23. I truly think that Hamlet isn't putting on an act when he frantically goes to see Ophelia. I think that he will be obedient to his father's ghost, but he won't want to fool Ophelia because I really think that he loves her. From the beginning of the play, we see that Hamlet has a big heart when grieving over his father. It shows us that he's loving and I think he would be too guilty to trick someone who loves him back. They were also involved before the ghost asked any favors from Hamlet, so that shows that their love for each other must be real. It seemed like he put on a pretty incredible acting job too! When people are terrified the expression "it looks like you just saw a ghost" is used, and refers exactly to this situation. Anyone who encounters what Hamlet did would most likely be that extremely nervous, and it's just something you can't fake.


  24. I also agree with the class because I believe that Hamlet was not just faking his emotions. I feel that when Hamlet went to Ophelia in the middle of the night he was truly upset. I think that Hamlet was motivated to go see Ophelia because he had no one else to turn to. He was probably really frightened by seeing his father’s ghost and he needed someone to talk to. His mother and his step father would have been of no help, so he turned to Ophelia. But because he was in such a state of shock, I think that he scared her, which caused her to shake him away. I think that Hamlet was acting out of true emotion here and not putting on an act of “antic disposition.”

  25. When Hamlet enters Ophelia's room I think he is entering upset. At that moment there is a side of his true emotions and nothing from his plan. He just talked to his father, saw his father, found out what happened and if that happened to me I would be in shock at first; I wouldn't run off and start thinking of a plan for revenge right away. I think Ophelia over reacted when it came to Hamlet running into her room in a panic. Hamlet was probably looking for comfort and she did not offer that to him, causing Hamlet to leave the room in shock and Ophelia thinking he's gone crazy.

  26. Hamlet is truely upset when he visits Ophelia. There is no way that he is acting in any way, it seems like raw emotion to me. Since he is so in love with her, he trusts her enough to confide in her. Ophelia is way too over dramatic and needs to pull what ever is in her butt out. I feel bad for Hamlet here because the love of his life thinks he is insane when he really is just an emotional wreck in need of someone to talk to.

  27. Hamlet is definitely using Ophelia as part of his plan to fake being crazy. I think that he sees this as the perfect opportunity to be dramatic and kick off his big revenge plan. We know that Hamlet is a drama queen from the first scene when he talks about committing suicide and dresses in black. Also, Ophelia has been ignoring Hamlet and he hasn’t made and attempt to talk to her except for this awkward encounter. Their relationship is over because Ophelia is obedient to her family. Hamlet is also using her obedience to ensure that the word of his madness gets to the King.

  28. I honestly believe that Hamlet was acting out his "antic disposition". I look at it this way; Ophelia is the only one that truly cares for him so far in this play, therefore the easiest to reach out to manipulate as well. By frightening Ophelia with this bizzare acting she runs to her father and explains the whole situation. Lord Polonius fits into Hamlets plot perfectly as well because he insists on telling the king , and this is what I think Hamlet would have wanted. Because if Lord Polonius tells King Claudius how Hamlet was behaving, he will think less of him which is exactly what Hamlet needs in order to kill King Claudius.

  29. I believe that when he entered Ophelia's room he was trying to find somebody that he could talk with about just seeing his dead father. Seeing his father's ghost must of been a shocking event and there was no one besides Ophelia that he could confide in. His mother would probably ignore him and his uncle would use it as an excuse to have him declared insane. This means that he was probably trying to tell her about what just happened, but he could not find the words.

  30. After reading Act II scene I, I depicted Hamlet to be genuinely upset. Throughout the beginning of the story, Hamlet loses his father and must cope with that sadness by himself. He does not have the support of his mother as well as his new step-father. His depression is evident as the story progresses. With the very little support of his family, Hamlet turns to Ophelia. I believe he genuinely was upset when entering her room in the night. I think he entered her room that night because he had just seen his fathers ghost and was in shock. Ophelia is the only one that seems to love and care for him. Therefore he entered her room in the night and had very little to say. I believe he was speechless becasuse of what he just encountered and by going to Ophelias he believed he can become calm and collected again.

  31. I think that Hamlet is truly upset when he goes into Ophelia’s room. His father had recently passed away, his mother got married to his uncle, and now he sees the ghost of his father, so I’m sure he would be really upset because he has no one to talk to about it. He’s confused and mentally unstable. That’s why he went to Ophelia to try and give her a sign of how he feels. He actually cares for her. He’s even more upset when Ophelia tries to push him away because she is the only one he can actually talk to about things.

  32. I too believe that Hamlet really is upset when he enters Ophelia's room. We know that Hamlet is already depressed due to the death of his father and has recently contemplated suicide. His parents don't seem to be very loving and it seems that Ophelia is the only thing that he has going for him. He is lonely so when she stops answering his letters, he naturally gets extremely upset. Although some believe that Hamlet is putting on an act just to "get into her pants," I don't think that he would go this far just to get some action. If anyone could fake these feelings and do it just to get some action, then that person might be a sociopath.

  33. While reading this scene I got the impression that Hamlet was genuinely upset and is not just putting on an act. Despite everyone's belief in the play that Hamlet is just a horny teenager looking to play Ophelia I feel that he is not such a static character. Whatever his original intentions with her may have been, at this point in the play Hamlet is under an enormous amount of stress and Ophelia is really the only person he is able to open up to. Therefore his reaction to her effectively shutting him out is perfectly understandable under the circumstances.

  34. I believe Hamlet was truly upset when he entered Ophelia's room. The death of his father, seeing his ghost, and his mother's new marriage was the beginning of his sadness. Now Ophelia, the only person he had to lean on, is giving him the cold shoulder. All these stresses are taking a toll on Hamlet, considering he grabbed Ophelia and looked into her eyes with a blank stare. Hamlet is falling a part and Shakespeare is displaying the truths about Hamlet.

    On the flip side, it is ironic that Polonius' fatherly advice kind of blew up in his face...
