Monday, April 30, 2012

May 1st CW/HW

I checked to see why I hadn't received any comments, but I couldn't find today's post.  I must've only pressed the preview button because it was in the Drafts section.

I've changed things around a bit.  Here is today's (5/1) task:

  1. Answer the following question and label it A: IV.i functions primarily to develop Gertrude's character.  Look at what she says to Claudius specifically.  If you're stuck coming to a conclusion, consider these two questions--What is she feeling?Whose side is she really on? 
  2. Read IV.ii. Use this website for assistance:  Be sure to take notes!!
  3. Watch this clip:

    4.  Then, answer the following question and label it B:  Scholars debate about the purpose of this
         scene and its overall importance to the play.  What is your perspective at this point?  Is it
         significant?  If so, why?  If not, why?

HW for 5/1: Read Act IV, scene iii.  Here is the link for assistance:  Again, be sure to take notes.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hamlet's 4th Soliloquy

NOTE:  Jazmin--I need a DVD of your skit ASAP.
             Caitlin, Anthony, Haley, and Amanda L.--Your DVD does not work.  Please bring a working DVD to class tomorrow.

Watch the two versions of this soliloquy below:

Then, read the analysis of this soliloquy--

Now that you've seen it and researched it, discuss its function in the play.  In other words, why is this an important addition to the play Hamlet?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hamlet II.i

Watch the movie below:

Then, answer the following question using the text, the movie, and your opinion--At this point, is Hamlet genuinely upset when he enters Ophelia's room at night? Or is he feigning madness by putting on an "antic disposition"?  For this respsonse, tap into your inner Hamlet because you must analyze him even though he wasn't part of the scene.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

For those that were absent today (4/5) and for those that did not finish...

Here was the open-play quiz question...

After reading the end of Act I, answer the following question:
In Act I.5, it is the Ghost’s MAIN purpose to:

·        corrupt

·        help

·        save

·        destroy

·        induct

·        seduce

·        empower

·        infect

·        tempt

·        enslave

·        inspire

·        transform

·        ensnare

·        invade

·        use

·        guide

…his son.

NOTE: Before answering, note the positive and negative connotations of each word.  Select one word and use evidence from the text to support your answer.

TITUS PROJECT OVERVIEW...for those that asked.

Titus Andronicus:
Possible Projects

1.     Deleted Scene

I.   OVERVIEW:  There is much speculation about Shakespeare.  Some scholars believe his works are compilations of scenes written by many different authors.  For this assignment, you will join this belief and write a deleted scene from Titus Andronicus.  You must write the piece in decasyllabic lines (I’m not requiring you to write in iambic pentameter), conveying a plotline that would fit in with Titus Andronicus as a whole.
II. LENGTH REQUIREMENT: Must be at least 3 pages (typed and script form—stage directions and all)

2.     Musical Composition

               I.      OVERVIEW:  Artists, musicians, and writers are inspired by Shakespeare.  Take this opportunity to create a musical masterpiece inspired by Titus Andronicus.
             II.      LENGTH REQUIREMENT: Must be full length song with a 1-page typed explanation of your artistic choices

3.     Artistic Masterpiece

               I.      OVERVIEW:  Artists, musicians, and writers are inspired by Shakespeare.  Take this opportunity to create a piece of artwork inspired by Titus Andronicus.
             II.      LENGTH REQUIREMENT: Must be a piece of artwork (multiple approaches allowed with a 1-page typed explanation of your artistic choices

4.     Costume Design

               I.      OVERVIEW:  The costumes were the most elaborate parts of a Shakespearean play.  Tap in to your inner artist/designer, and create a costume for 3 characters from Titus Andronicus.  You can also create several costumes for one character.
             II.      LENGTH REQUIREMENT: You must have three specific costumes.  Specify the scene and provide an artistic reasoning for each in paragraph form.  If you would like to alter this assignment in any way, please talk to me.

5.     Parody

               I.      OVERVIEW:  Create a parody to share with the class. You may parody the style, form or content of the original.  Remember the humor of a parody is based upon the audience’s comparison of the original and the imitation, so the content should be based on Titus Andronicus. Be sure to list the scene(s) that is(are) being parodied.
             II.      LENGTH REQUIREMENT:
                                                   i.      Group project of 34 people. Create a parody of a movie or TV show (7 minutes max. bring it in on DVD or tape).
                                                 ii.      Individual project: You may create a visual or literary parody. Be original to share when you present.

6.     Essay

               I.      OVERVIEW:  There is much criticism about the historical inaccuracies of Shakespeare’s plays.  In this essay, you must research and discuss these errors in Titus Andronicus.
             II.      LENGTH REQUIREMENT: Must be at least 3 pages (typed and in MLA format)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Polonius' Family


In class today, we analyzed I.iii of Hamlet.  Reexamine the advice Laertes gives Ophelia, the advice Polonius gives Laertes, and the advice Polonius gives Ophelia.  We briefly discussed the universal appeal of these they can apply to the past, the present, and--most likely--the future.  For this response, I'd like you to share your opinions/reactions to the relationships developed and the advice given  in this scene.  If you need some inspiration, you may evaluate whether or not this scene is realistic or whether or not any of the advice is too strict/outdated.  Remember, it's your reaction.